It is said to be a descendant of Planiol.
Es diu que era descendent d’en Planiol.
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The Latin historian says he was a Haruspex.
L’historiador llatí diu que era un harúspex.
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This is what he says.
Això és el que diu.
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But where says some is the king of America?
¿Però on és, diu algú, el rei d’Amèrica?
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He was a native of Mytilene, according to Estrabó, who says he was his contemporary.
Era nadiu de Mitilene segons esmenta Estrabó que diu que era contemporani seu.
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So what is all this telling us?
Doncs, què ens diu tot això?
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That’s what she tells them.
Això és el que els diu.
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It is said that he was a restless, naughty boy.
Hom diu que era un nen inquiet i trapella.
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She tells him it would kill him.
Ella li diu que això el mataria.
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He refers to this as involving "epidemiology, not evidence".
Diu d’això que implica "epidemiologia, no proves".
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